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Beach parking

Pay to Park

Beach Parking

Beach parking pay stations are no longer available on our beaches. Beach parking fees must be paid through mobile payment systems using your mobile device. 


Beach Parking Fees for Sanibel & Captiva Islands

Sanibel: For patrons who do not possess a City of Sanibel Beach Parking Permit or a Lee County Parking sticker (only valid at Bowman's Beach), paid parking must be processed through the City of Sanibel's new mobile pay system. Learn more here.

Captiva: Visitors parking at the Captiva Island North Lot (Alison Hagerup Beach Park) will need to download the ParkMobile app. Get more info here. The park and pay stations are maintained by the Captiva Erosion Prevention District. Parking proceeds are applied directly to beach nourishment and the enhancement of wildlife habitat.

Within Lee County, some beaches are owned and managed by municipalities and the state. Please visit the following websites for more information:

Sanibel Island
Town of Fort Myers Beach
Florida State Parks

Beach Parking Fees for Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach & Bonita Springs:

A new parking payment system, Text2Park, must be used at Lee County beach locations. This allows patrons the convenience to pay for parking from their mobile device. The updated system features a convenient, cashless pay-by-plate system. This means visitors will no longer need to visit a kiosk or display a parking receipt on the dashboard of their vehicle. Directions will be displayed on each parking space sign. Parking is $2 per hour, with the ability to add additional time. 

The beach locations implementing pay-by-plate parking are:

•    Bonita Beach Park, 27954 Hickory Blvd., Bonita Springs
•    Bonita Beach Access #1, 27890 Hickory Blvd., Bonita Springs
•    Bonita Beach Access #10, 26082 Hickory Blvd., Bonita Springs
•    Bowditch Point Park, 50 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach
•    Lynn Hall Memorial Beach Park, 950 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach
•    San Carlos Bay-Bunche Beach Preserve, 18201 John Morris Road, Fort Myers

Park staff will be available throughout the rollout of this system to assist guests and a video explaining the new pay-by-plate process will be available at