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Value of Tourism

Tourism is the Backbone of Our Economy

The travel and tourism industry is one of the United States’ largest industries, generating $1.9 trillion in travel expenditures this past year.

Closer to home, tourism is one of the largest economic industries in Florida, with 137.6 million travelers visiting the Sunshine State in 2022. During their time here, visitors generated more than $96.5 billion in taxable sales. That amount of spending generated $5.8 billion in tax-related revenue to the state of Florida, which is spent on public necessities such as schools, transportation, museums and enhancing Florida’s offerings to entice even more visitors.

Here in Lee County, tourism employs 1 out of every 5 people. We receive nearly 4.5 million visitors a year that spend more than $4 billion while in our area.

Not only do we benefit from the economic impact of the industry in dollars and cents, but we also benefit from the quality of life to which it contributes. In essence, tourism is a tool for enhancing what we love about our region - from its ecological wonders to its history and culture.


Value of Tourism Infographics

2023 Value of Tourism Infographic

For the printable version, click here

Value of Tourism
Value of Tourism pg2

Sand Dollar Sense

See how tourism dollars effect Lee County residents and play a vital role in our local economy.